10 Ways a Virtual Assistant Can Help with Your Goals

It’s already February and most people’s New Year’s resolutions are already fading.

In fact, according to U.S. News, 80% of New Year’s resolutions will have failed by February and a study by Statistics Brain found that only 9.2% of people felt they were successful in achieving their resolution.

How are your resolutions going? If what you are doing isn’t working, it’s time to try a new approach. And, maybe it’s time to get some help!

Your Virtual Assistant to the Rescue

If you aren’t sticking to your resolutions ... perhaps, you are lacking in time, motivation, or discipline?

A virtual assistant can help with all these. In fact, a good virtual assistant can be your secret weapon in accomplishing your goals and getting your most important tasks done. They can take care of many of the tasks you aren’t getting around to. They can remind you of the ones you keep forgetting ... and hold you accountable to the ones you keep putting off.

Here are 10 Goals Your Virtual Assistant Can Help You Meet:

  1. Get Healthy – Are your medical appointments current? When was your last physical? Dental appointment? Eye doctor? What else? Let your virtual assistant schedule your appointments and track your follow-ups to help you meet your health goals.
  2. Organize Your Home – When was the last time you changed your air filters? And, what sizes are they? Need a handyman? Home cleaning service? Your virtual assistant can track all these items and help your home run smoothly so you meet your home organization goals.
  3. Stop Running Late – No more double-booking or missed appointments when your virtual assistant schedules your appointments for you.  Get a text reminder and meet your goal to stop missing or being late to appointments.
  4. Stop Wasting Money – Let your virtual assistant cancel services you no longer use but haven’t gotten around to canceling.  This is an instant money saver. 
  5. Travel More – Have you ever put off making travel plans and suddenly you have waited “too long?" Airline prices have jumped way up and hotels are already full? Instead of putting it off, just turn it over to your virtual assistant and let her get it done. Over 50% of people spend over an hour booking a simple ticket. Let your assistant do this for you. Your goal to travel more just got easier.  
  6. Do Your Best Work – You proofed that document twice. But let’s face it, you know exactly what you meant to say, but when you read it again, you read what you meant to write instead of spotting the typo. A virtual assistant can review all your documents so they can be presented error-free.
  7. Be More Responsive to Emails – Your virtual assistant can respond to standard inquiries immediately on your behalf. And, that stretch goal of inbox zero? It may now be achievable.
  8. Finally Get Your Project Done (or at least started!) – You keep saying you’re going to create that product or start that project. It may be an eBook, online course, or new page on your website … but it never gets done. Your virtual assistant can provide the gentle nudge needed to keep you on task. 
  9. Get an Accountability Partner – Looking for someone to hold you accountable to your goals? Your virtual assistant can follow up regularly and be your “virtual coach.”
  10. Have More Time – You know you want more time. When your virtual assistant takes over your routine tasks on a regular basis, you will be freed up to get more of your creative work done. Giving you more time at work will free up more time outside work for a healthier work-life balance.

Get Some Help on Your Goals

It isn’t easy to meet your goals. It seems there is always something vying for your attention or distracting you.

Your virtual assistant from My BTLR can take care of these distractions and provide accountability and encouragement to help you meet your goals.

Contact us to learn how our virtual assistants can help you.

Seven Tasks a Virtual Assistant Should Be Doing

Seven Tasks a Virtual Assistant Should Be Doing

Many people have a hard time delegating because they don’t want to “give up control.”

Delegation is a learned skill.  And, once you begin letting go of inconsequential tasks, you give yourself more time to work on what’s truly important.

Do you really need or want to spend time making phone calls?  Or researching travel?

Instead, you can work on the key factors driving your business.  On a personal front, you can spend more time with those you care about. 

If You Only Had an Assistant to Delegate Your Tasks

You may be thinking, “if I only had someone to handle my tasks.”  That’s where a virtual assistant can change the way you work.

A virtual assistant can change the way you work.

Delegate the to-dos that someone else can do for you – then concentrate your time on the important items only you can do.  All the while knowing the other stuff is still getting done by someone you know and trust.  This is the power of a virtual assistant.

Seven Tasks You’re Not Delegating, But Should Be

  1. The Little Things That Add Up – The truth is, most small tasks aren’t that small. What was supposed to be a 5-minute task turns into 20. A half-hour job becomes an hour, and so on. Let your virtual assistant do the small, odds jobs that inevitably take more time in your day than they should.

  2. Online Tasks – Online tasks are great items to delegate because they can be done from anywhere. Your virtual assistant can be online while you concentrate on in-person tasks only you can do.

  3. Confirming Appointments – You may not be confirming your meetings and appointments currently, but if you have ever arrived an engagement only find out the other side couldn’t make it, you know the importance of this task.

  4. Managing Your Social Media – If you are a small business owner, you might not have time to keep up with your social platforms. Or, you may not be up on the latest trends and networks. Let your tech-savvy assistant amplify your business on social media while you conduct your business.

  5. Organize Your Expenses – Expense reports are not fun. And, if you are like most people, you put them off until they are a mess of crumbled receipts. Let your VA organize your expenses as they occur and have them ready when you need to submit your report.

  6. Online Research – While research often seems like a fun task to do yourself, it often deteriorates into surfing the internet. (See #2) Let your virtual assistant do the dirty work and bring you a summary of topics or options.

  7. Arranging Travel – Most people spend several hours booking travel. (Over 50% spend over an hour booking a simple ticket.) Whether it is booking airline tickets, or just a shuttle to pick you up, your virtual assistant can take this task off your plate.

Delegating to Get More Done

If you want more time for yourself, maybe it’s time you gave up some of your tasks to a virtual assistant.

Hesitancy to give up control of tasks is probably a sign you need some assistance.  In many cases, a virtual assistant can perform your administrative tasks faster, better, and more effectively than you can.

You might be surprised just how much time and effort you can save with a virtual assistant.  Time you can devote to the things you want to do.

Contact us to learn how our virtual assistants can help you.

When Did Your To-Do List Become a Full-Time Job?

When Did Your To-Do List Become a Full-Time Job?

Success has never been so complicated. In a world where getting ahead usually comes with a big email inbox, it's normal to find your spare time eaten away by dozens of mundane tasks.

No amount of time management or re-shuffling the to-do list will add any more hours to your day. After all, productivity doesn't work when you have a near-infinite list of tasks to work through. You'll always have another item to buy or a little bit of info to look up. That's why so many ambitious people often use a virtual assistant to ease up on these time-consuming tasks.

The problem is these tasks are often too complex for technology to handle, yet sometimes too simple for you to want to spend your time on. You don't want to delete a hundred new emails -- but help combing through them would be great. Perhaps your wife mentioned an errand earlier and it'll take ten minutes of browsing the web to find what she needs. Whatever the case may be, these little problems can add up to big headaches.

A virtual assistant is the ultimate time management tool. It’s productivity on steroids.

A virtual assistant is the ultimate time management tool. It's productivity on steroids. It's simpler and more affordable than a full-time assistant, and it gives you more of your most valuable resource: time.

Don't let your to-do list keep you down. Do the stuff you truly have to do, but delegate the rest to someone else … your virtual assistant. You'll have more time for the things you love without sacrificing an ounce of achievement.

Let us show you how much time you can save. Contact us to learn how.